суббота, 2 июня 2012 г.

235 years since the birth of A.V.Stupina, the creator of Arzamas school of painting

'The name Stupina should occupy an honored place in every treatise on the art of our country, serving as a synonym of valor and love of art, to which he devoted his whole life '.

A. H. Andreev, 1857.

Today, 235 years since the birth of Alexander Vasilyevich Stupina - academician of painting, and lived an interesting life full of drama. ' Being a philistine g. Arzamas of the freedmen, driven by a love of art in 1799. left in this city his home, his wife and children, arrived in St. Petersburg and entered volnoprihodyaschim student at the Academy of Fine Arts. After graduating from the course in 1805. certificate with grade 2, returned to Arzamas, and they started drawing school - the first in a long time the only private institution of its kind in Russia. In 1809, Mr.. Academy took the school under its wing, has awarded its founder and leader of the title of academician and since then has provided support for him '.

Academy of Art Stupina described as ' zavoditelya case has an unusual '. The first provincial school of painting has become the first and only educational institution in which children were taught painting serfs.

The school gave the Homeland whole galaxy of remarkable artists and architects: Basil Raeva, Ivan Makarov, Nikolai Alekseev, etc. The most famous pupil of Arzamas school of painting - the painter Vasily Perov, one of the founding members of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions.

One of the first graduates of the school became the architect of Mikhail Petrovich Corinth, whose works are known throughout the Volga region. For Arzamasians same home value is Resurrection Cathedral, executed on his project. Internal painting of Arzamas Resurrection Cathedral School students made ​​paintings and famous throughout Russia, the head of Academician Alexander Vasilyevich Stupino. ( The main works carried out Osip S. Serebryakov and his son Alexander).

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